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    Journal of Geometry & Topology


    Physics & Mathematcis

    Journal of GeToPhyMa

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    About the journal : Journal of GeToPhyMa is a fully refereed journal covering all of geometry and topology, broadly understood.

    Impartiality Statement : The purpose of Journal of GeToPhyMa is the advancement of mathematics. Editors evaluate submitted papers strictly on the basis of scientific merit with the help of peer review reports, without regard to authors' nationality, country of residence, institutional affiliation, sex, ethnic origin, or political views.

    Aims and scope : The Journal of GeToPhyMa is a peer-reviewed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all aspects of geometry and topology and their applications. Topics in detail to be covered are: Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Homotopy Theory, Differential Geometry (including Non-commutative), Differential Topology, Low Dimensional Topology, Geometrical approaches to Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations, Global Analysis and Global Riemannian Geometry, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras and their Representations, Quantum Groups and their Representations, Calculus of Variations on Manifolds, Geometrical aspects of Mathematical Physics as well as areas of interactions between topology and other disciplines.

    Editorial Board & Interest Areas

    • Honorory editor : Jim Stasheff, University of Pennsylvania, USA

    geometry, topology, and physics

    • Editor in chief : My Ismail Mamouni, CRMEF Rabat, Morocco

    Topological robotics

    • Managing editors :

      • M'Feddal Hilali, UIR Rabat, Morocco

      • Younes Derfoufi, CRMEF Oujda, Morocco

    • Advisory editors :

    • Andrew Baker, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Algebraic topology, Stable homotopy theory

    • Hisham Sati, University of Pittsburg, USA

    Quantum theory, Interactions between geometry, topology, and physics

    • Antonio Viruel, University of Malaga, Spain

    Homotopy Theory, Group theory and generalizations, Topological transformation groups, Lie algebras and Lie super algebras

    • Associate editors :

    • Yaël Frégier, University of Atrois Lens, France

    Operads, L_infinity algebras, Poisson geometry

    • Urtzi Buijs, University of Malaga, Spain

    Algebraic topology, rational homotopy theory, higher algebraic structures

    • Frank Neumann, University of Leicester, UK

    Algebraic topology, Algebraic Geometry, Moduli spaces

    • Ittay Weiss, University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands

    General topology

    • Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Algebraic topology, Mathematical Physics

    • Aaron Mazel-Gee, University of California Berkeley, USA

    homotopy theory, (higher) category theory, K-theory

    • Abdessatar Barhoumi, University of Carthage, Tunisia

    Probability theory and stochastic processes

    • Behrooz Mashayekhy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

    Algebraic topology, Group Theory

    • Najoua Gamara, El Manar University of Tunis, Tunisia and Taibah University of Al Medina, Saudia Arabia

    Global analysis, analysis on manifolds

    • Vitaliy Kurlin, University of Durham, UK.

    Low-dimensional topology, topological data analysis.

    • Gwyn Bellamy, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    Lie theory

    Important Dates :

    • May-June-July 2016 : Form the editorial board

    • August-September-October 2016 : Conception of the website and online submissions system

    • November-December 2016 : Publicity

    • January 2017 : Submission opened

    • January 2018 (at most) : First publications

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